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How to point your Domain to IP address or VPS

 لمشاهدة جديد الفيديوهات اضغط هنـــا

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79 عدد المشاهدات

This tutorial shows how to point a domain name to an IP address of a VPS server, dedicated server or any other server. Although this tutorial usages Namecheap as a domain control panel, it also can be use for godaddy or any other domain provider.

This tutorial shows 5 easy step to assign a domain name to an IP address:

Step:01: Redirect or point the domain to the server IP using domain control panel.
Step:02: Create directory and set related permissions inside web server.
Step:03: Create a new HTML file or upload your existing website.
Step:04: Create a virtual host and link between the domain and directory.
Step:05: Finally register the site into your web server.

Following links also might be helpful:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqABLv7XK34
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD3NSfjV7ug

#DomainToIP #HowToPointADomainToIP #DomainDNSConfig #DomainHosting

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