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 لمشاهدة جديد الفيديوهات اضغط هنـــا

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29 عدد المشاهدات

I'm truly amazed by these! You can't disregard these techniques unless you're a plumber!
Hello! You are not a plumber right? So you must have struggled with your household plumbing problems right? Don't worry in this video I will share with you special techniques so you can deal with the most common problems in your home's plumbing.
The first technique I show you how to unclog a toilet easily and quickly in just 5 minutes with an item available in your family.
Digital 2 I help you open and close your home water system automatically without spending too much money
digital 3 i show you how to create a tool that can clean your drain easily and make it never clogged with just a pvc pipe and a fork you already have in your house . In addition, there are many other useful tips.
If you are not a professional plumber then watch this video till the end to know all the useful techniques I share!

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